Frequently Asked Questions

Are you a real estate agent?


We’re just a couple of young people who dreamt of buying their first house and for a laugh, thought we’d see what our money could buy in far off lands. We started sharing them with family and friends, and before long we decided to start an instagram and website to collect all our curated lists of gorgeous and affordable properties in Europe. 

Why are these properties listed in your newsletter?

So we’re not real estate agents or property managers or anything even remotely related to the real estate industry. We just like pretty European properties and want to spread the love.

Why do you list properties under €250,000?

We like to keep our property searches to less than €250,000 to really challenge ourselves because frankly anyone can bring you luxury properties for lots of money but who can find you structurally sound, aesthetically good looking and ridiculously affordable properties? Yes we can!

How can I buy the houses and properties in your newsletter?

The properties listed all have links to their original listings and if you click through, the information and contact for the sellers are there. 

We do not sell nor act as the selling agent for the houses listed.

Do you get a commission for sales of the properties listed?

Nope. We get absolutely nothing for the properties listed. Whether you buy the properties or not doesn’t make a difference to our commitment to bringing you cheap properties in Europe. 

Do you charge a fee to list the properties on your site?

Also a no. We don’t have any contact with the real estate agent or private seller offering the properties for sale. 

We scour the depths of the internet and across the entire European continent to find the properties that we do and we present to you the ones that we think are great value. All done with no input or contact with the seller. We do this so that our selections are not influenced by money like other sites. 

We like looking for these properties and we like bringing them to you and we don’t want that to change. 

Do I need to pay you if I buy a property listed on your site?

Definitely not! If you find your dream property on our site and buy it from the seller, we’d be overjoyed if you wrote back and let us know but you definitely do NOT owe us anything. 

What’s in the newsletter?

We give our newsletter readers a big head start as the gems are always snapped up fast. We don’t post these exclusive properties anywhere else except for our newsletter - that you can sign up for here.

Since we’ve started our newsletter we’ve found chateaus, private islands, properties that should be featured in Architectural Digest and more!